Yoga Sequences and Guided Meditation
For anyone diagnosed with breast cancer, from treatment through survivorship and beyond
During treatment and even well into survivor-hood, it’s not uncommon for breast cancer patients to feel a sense of disconnect to their bodies. We may think, “I no longer recognize my body”; “My body betrayed me”; “I wish that I could be who I was prior to diagnosis”; or even “I’ve lost control over my body. It doesn’t belong to me.” Mindfulness, meditation, and gentle yoga can help us step into, appreciate, and come to own our new bodies, while strengthening our muscles and providing space and opportunity to truly become the best versions of ourselves (despite all that we’ve lost).
Mary, from the Effin’ Yoga in Rincon, GA has put together these sequences and guided meditations below to help us do that.
She also instructed our physical practical in our FREE, research based Resilience Curriculum. In it, she taught us how to properly do 10 yoga poses and explained what each one does for our bodies and minds. Be sure to check out our free Resilience Curriculum and hear more from Mary in episode #10. Below is her Yoga Sequences and Guided Meditation Curriculum.
Password: flame1
Get to know Mary and better understand her guided meditation curriculum flow in this brief introduction.
Lesson 1
Password: flame1
If your body feels unsettled, you feel anxious and barely able to move—or maybe you just need to slow down and connect with your self a bit; this is a perfect, gentle place to start a home practice or just let yourself catch your breath!
Lesson 2: Getting Grounded
Lesson 3: Take a Pause
A beginner friendly Yoga practice to feel grounded and find your breath
stay tuned for uploads…